Ford Mustang Engine Removal Kit
We have tried to take the worry, dificulty and danger out of removing the engine from a Ford Mustang or any other vehicle that shares that same architecture. Our Engine removal kit comes with an instruction sheet that takes you through the process in a step by step method that will help you navigate the removal and avoid many of the mistakes made by first timers, or even those that have done this removal before. We list all the important areas to watch out for and what has to be disconnected before the engine is removed from the bottom of the vehicle. We give you a step by step guide to make sure you have everything you need to remove the engine safely and most important, not cause any damage to yourself or the vehicle.
We wrote the instruction sheet while removing a 4.6L DOHC engine from a 2004 Mach1. The 4-valve engine is the hardest engine to both, work on and remove, as it is so wide and fills the engine compartment the most of all the 4.6 and 5.4L engines. Our kit includes an engine/transmission cradle w/base stand that we build in shop. This unique cradle allows you to remove the engine/tranny combo safer and more precise.
- Gives you an overall idea of what has to happen
- Helps you place the engine stand and supporting jacks in the right places
- Gives a step by step procedure on what has to be disconnected under the hood, under the car and in the front suspension
- Gives tips to make the process easier and safer
- Lists all bolt sizes, lengths and wrenches needed
- Cradle supports engine for easy removal and install, allows for easy engine placement adjustment for re-installation
- We sell all the suspension , engine mounting and driveline hardware that may or should be replaced

$459.99 plus shipping (roughly 60lbs) Allow 2 weeks for delivery
Kit Includes:
- Engine/Tranny cradle
- Base stand
- Mounting hardware and instructions w/ step by step guide
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