***Project: Modular LS Ignition System

You know the Ford folks did a really good job with the new Modular Engine and it's Electronic Ignition System. All in all, it works very well, is very compact and reliable. For 70% of all users, it works and is all they will ever need. For the next 15 %, those that run higher performance engines, mainly those with a Supercharger or Turbocharger that creates positive pressure in the intake manifold, or Boost as most like to call it, the stock system is not enough. For these people, they more spark them the stock components can deliver. There are several additional options that might work well for this group, one would be aftermarket Coils. These are simply Coils with a higher turns ratio. The Turns ratio is the difference between the primary and secondary side of the Coil. Just a quick reminder, the turns ratio of say 55:1 would mean the for every winding on the primary side of the Coil, there are 55 windings on the secondary side. This translates into a 12 volt feed of the primary coil producing 660 volts on the secondary side. Simply, 12(volt) x 55= 660 volts. On a Coil, the two sides, the Primary and Secondary, never touch, the coils are separate and the voltage is induced, meaning put two Coils next to each other and the one will affect the other. In this case, with a 55;1 ratio, you see how it effects the other Coil, by inducing a much stronger voltage into it. Want more voltage, simply add more windings to the secondary Coil. You have probably seen real large coils like the Accel Super Coil? This is a perfect example. Our problem on the Modular Engine, is we do not have the room to add many windings to that secondary side. Why? Look where the Coil is located….Down and inside the relatively small hole in the Valve Covers. This physically limits our size and thus our secondary Voltage.