

Wiring A Cobra

Description & Operation

Electronic Engine Controls - Cobra

Supercharger Bypass Vacuum Solenoid & Actuator

Integrated Temperature & Manifold Absolute Pressure (TMAP) Sensor

Engine Ignition

Eight Seperate Ignition Coils:

The Spark Plug:

The Crankshaft Position (CPK) Sensor:

The sine wave type signal generated from the crankshaft position sensor provides two types of information:

Telorvek EFI 4.6L Sequential Fuel Injection


Bag #60 Mass Air Flow Sensor (MAF)
Screw Terminal
23 Red -
24 Black -
2 Tan -
1 Lt Blue -

Bag #60A Mass Air Flow & Intake Air Sensor (MAFIA)
Screw Terminal
23 Red -
24 Black -
1 Lt Blue -
7 Lt Green -
2 Tan -
32 Gray -

Bag #62 Throttle Position Sensor (TTP)
Screw Terminal
6 Dark Blue -
4 White -
31 Gray -

Bag #63 Intake Air Temperature Sensor (IAT)
Screw Terminal
7 Lt Green -
32 Gray -

Bag #65A Knock Sensor
Screw Terminal
10 Dk Green 2 Wires
11 Yellow -
108 Tan -

Bag #65B Knock Sensor
Screw Terminal
10 Dk Green -
11 Yellow -

Bag #67 EGR Solenoid
Screw Terminal
22 Red -
14 Brown -

Bag #68 Oxygen Sensor (2)
Screw Terminal
22 Red Left Front
16 Dk Blue Left Front
15 Yellow Left Front
34 Gray Left Front
21 Red Right Front
18 Lt Blue Right Front
17 White Right Front
35 Gray Right Front

Bag #69 Octane Adjust
Screw Terminal
39 Gray -
40 Dk Green -

Bag #70 Ignition Coil (Right Bank)
Screw Terminal
49 Red Coil 1
41 Lt Green Coil 1
42 Pink Coil 2
43 White Coil 3
44 Dk Green Coil 4

Bag #71 Ignition Coil (Left Bank)
Screw Terminal
49 Red Coil 5
45 Yellow Coil 5
46 Orange Coil 6
47 Lt Blue Coil 7
48 Dk Blue Coil 8

Bag #71A Injectors (Right Bank)
Screw Terminal
69 Red Injector 1
61 Lt Green Injector 1
62 Pink Injector 2
63 White Injector 3
64 Dk Green Injector 4

Bag #72 Injectors (Left Bank)
Screw Terminal
69 Red Injector 5
65 Yellow Injector 5
66 Orange Injector 6
67 Lt Blue Injector 7
68 Dk Blue Injector 8

Bag #73 Coolant Temperature Sensor
Screw Terminal
71 Lt Green -
35 Gray -

Bag #74 Camshaft Position Sensor (CPS)
Screw Terminal
26 - Solid wire in insulated wire
72 Dk Blue -
36 Gray -

Bag #75 Crankshaft Position Sensor (CPS)
Screw Terminal
26 - Solid wire in insulated wire
73 Black -
74 Gray -

Bag #76 AODE/Early 4R70W Transmission Connections
Screw Terminal
37 Gray -
79 Orange -
80 Lt Blue -
81 Black -
82 Purple -
83 White -
50 Red Trans 2>50
51 Red Trans 7>50

Bag #76A Late 4R70W Transmission Connection
Screw Terminal
37 Gray -
79 Orange -
80 Lt Blue -
81 Black -
82 Purple -
83 White -
50 Red -
88 Purple From Brake Light Switch

Bag #77 Digital Rang Selector
Screw Terminal
DTR 12 HD Lt Blue Neutral/Safety
DTR 10 Purple -
Side 1 Dk Green Back-up Lights
Side 2 Dk Green Back-up Lights
36 Grey All these to panel
76 Lt Blue -
78 Yellow -
77 Black -
75 White -

Bag #79 Transmission Speed Sensor
Electronic Speedometers can be connected to terminal #86 to pick-up the VSS Signal. This is the standard Ford 8000 pulse per mile signal.
Screw Terminal
85 Dk Blue -
37 Gray -

Bag #80 Vehicle Speed Sensor
Screw Terminal
86 Gray -
59 Black -

Bag #81 Fuel Pump & Inertia Switch
Screw Terminal
98 Tan INERTIA SW>98
99 Tan INERTIA SW>99
98 Tan 98-PUMP

Bag #83 Data Link Connector (DLC)
Screw Terminal
118 Tan -
20 Yellow -
117 Pink -
116 Purple -
28 Black -
115 Green SES Light
53 Red SES Light

Bag #85 Supercharger Bypass Solenoid
Screw Terminal
111 Purple -
23 Red -

Bag #86 Barometric Air Pressure Sensor
Screw Terminal
55 Dk Blue -
5 White -
81 Red -
34 Gray -

Bag #90 Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor
Screw Terminal
32 Gray -
120 Yellow -

Telorvek Panel Circuits**DATA ENTRY**
Color Destination
Screw #
Screw #
Color Destination
1 Gray - -
2 Gray - -
3 Gray - -
4 Gray - -
5 Gray - -
6 Gray - -
7 Gray - -
8 Gray - -
9 Gray - -
10 Gray - -
11 Gray - -
12 Gray - -
13 Gray - -
14 Gray - -
15 Gray - -
16 Gray - -
17 Gray - -
18 Gray - -
19 Gray - -
20 Gray - -
21 Gray - -
22 Gray - -
23 Gray - -
24 Gray - -
25 Gray - -
26 Gray - -
27 Gray - -
28 Gray - -
29 Gray - -
30 Gray - -
31 Gray - -
32 Gray - -
33 Gray - -
34 Gray - -
35 Gray - -
36 Gray - -
37 Gray - -
38 Gray - -
39 Gray - -
40 Gray - -
41 Gray - -
42 Gray - -
43 Gray - -
44 Gray - -
45 Gray - -
46 Gray - -
47 Gray - -
48 Gray - -
49 Gray - -
50 Gray - -
51 Gray - -
52 Gray - -
53 Gray - -
54 Gray - -
55 Gray - -
56 Gray - -
57 Gray - -
58 Gray - -
59 Gray - -
60 Gray - -
61 Gray - -
62 Gray - -
63 Gray - -
64 Gray - -
65 Gray - -
66 Gray - -
67 Gray - -
68 Gray - -
69 Gray - -
70 Gray - -
71 Gray - -
72 Gray - -
73 Gray - -
74 Gray - -
75 Gray - -
76 Gray - -
77 Gray - -
78 Gray - -
79 Gray - -
80 Gray - -
81 Gray - -
82 Gray - -
83 Gray - -
84 Gray - -
85 Gray - -
86 Gray - -
87 Gray - -
88 Gray - -
89 Gray - -
90 Gray - -
91 Gray - -
92 Gray - -
93 Gray - -
94 Gray - -
95 Gray - -
96 Gray - -
97 Gray - -
98 Gray - -
99 Gray - -
100 Gray - -
101 Gray - -
102 Gray - -
103 Gray - -
104 Gray - -
105 Gray - -
106 Gray - -
107 Gray - -
108 Gray - -
109 Gray - -
110 Gray - -
111 Gray - -
112 Gray - -
113 Gray - -
114 Gray - -
115 Gray - -
116 Gray - -
117 Gray - -
118 Gray - -
119 Gray - -
120 Gray - -

Power feed for Telorvek Panel

Orange Ignition Circuit Controlled by Ignition Switch
Red Battery Feed Goes Straight to Battery
Black Ground Goes Straight to Battery

Fuse Block 1                 Fuse Block 2
Fuse Designation
Fuse Size
Fuse Designation
Fuse Size
Emissions Equipment 15 Amp L & R Oxygen Sensors 15 Amp
Mass Air Flow Sensor 15 Amp Emissions Equipment 20 Amp
L & R Coils, Transmission 20 Amp Fuel Pump Relay 30 Amp
L & R Injectors 20 Amp VLCM & Fan Relay 30 Amp

As you can see the Engine requires a lot of wiring and many, many wires. With this system you build your own Wiring Harness, so it’s up to you to route the wires around the engine and group them into groups. You must also provide the protecting material, like Heat Wrap or Wire Duct when and where necessary. It is a good ideal to secure the wiring harness in as many places as allowed, this will keep the wires held tight to the engine and keep them safe from accidental rubbing or hanging. I used three Bulk Head Wiring Connectors to break my wiring harness at the firewall. I did this so the engine could be removed without un-hooking any of the engine wiring, with this system you would simply un-plug the three 22-pin Connecters and then un-hook the alternator and starter. The complicating part is the connectors themselves, they add a certain amount of complexity to the harness only because the connectors bring with them the real chance of wiring mis-alinement and the possibility of a bad connection, interference or signal loss. I took to the offensive and bought only the highest quality GM Packard or Weather-Pac Connectors, and made sure each connection was sound and of the appropriate place. With the help of the labeled wiring, this is not nearly as bad as it sounds or could be with out that feature.

As mentioned, in the engine compartment we have 3-22-pin Connectors for Engine and Transmission functions. Down the frame rails we store the main Power Cables to the starter and alternator, right and left turn signals, headlights, horn signal, brake lights and running lights. This allows us to keep the majority of signal wiring hidden from plain view. These harnesses attach at both ends with more Weather-Pac Connectors ranging in size from 2-6 connectors each. The bulk of the frame mounted electrical hardware, like cooling fans, water pumps, fuel pump and so forth are the only wiring that will be in plain site when finished. Though it will be neatly routed and protected by wire ways, there is really no way around these wires being seen, but we will do our best to camoflouge them.

The wiring inside the body will be mainly routed under the front and rear seats. The engine harnesses have to enter at the front through the Bulk Head Connectors and wind down the dash and around the transmission tunnel, then under the front and rear seats to the extreme rear of the body were the Main Computer and Tolorvek Panel lie under the flooring in a secure but protected and hidden compartment. In this same compartment, every wire that feeds to the outside will land on a screw of a Terminal Strip, any one of the many 14 + 12-Position Terminal Strips mounted there. From this one compartment we will have control of 95% of all wires and functions, both input and output. This makes this area extremely important and ground zero for electrical wiring. Earlier we saw all the wires necessary for the power and function of the onboard computer, now we will look at all the sub-systems and the wiring they need.


High Beam Headlights
Right Turn Signal
Left Turn Signal
Running Lights
Brake Lights
Fog Lights 15-Wires

General Specifications

Accessory drive belt 6 ribs
Supercharger drive belt 8 ribs

Torque Specifications

Belt idler pulley bolt 25 18 -
Drive belt tensioner bolt - 3.8L and 3.9L 82 60 -
Drive belt tensioner bolt - 4.6L 10 - 89
Drive belt tensioner bolt - Supercharged engine 25 18 -
Cooling hose mounting bolt 25 18 -
Belt idler support assembly bracket bolts 25 18 -
Air intake scoop bolts 25 18 -
Air intake scoop bracket bolt 25 18 -
Air intake scoop bracket nuts 25 18 -
Air intake scoop bracket throttle body nut 9 - 80
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) vacuum regulator solenoid bolts 10 - 89

Engine Coolant Pump or Water Pump

missing missing missing
Above: The Modular family has several different Water Pumps to choose from, for the 03-04 Cobra Engine we need the Short Snout Water Pump. There is also a older and newer version of these pumps, we won't the newer version. The newer version has the Pump fins enclosed, which makes for a more effecient Water Pump.

The Engine Coolant Pump is located in the front of the Engine, centered. It is driven by the Accessory Belt Drive and is very important to the Engine's Well being. The 03-04 Cobra Engine makes huge power and that requires a lot of Heat in the Combustion Camber. It's the Water Pumps responsibility to Circulate the Engine Cooant which transfeers the heat from the combustion process to the Engine Coolant so it can be transported to the Radiator, where the cooler air blows through the radiators core to carry away the excess heat. This transaction happens over and over again while the Engine is running. And none of it would work if the Water Pump didn't do it's job.

There are several different Water Pumps in the Modular Family, you have a long and short Pump and old and newer designs. The one we want for our Cobra S/C Engine is the short new design Pump. This new design, where the water Pumps fins are enclosed, does a much better job of moving the Engine Coolant, then the open fin design. Always start a new Engine with a New Water Pump, they are relatively cheap, and it makes no sense to use a used Pump. I have installed both Ford and AC Delco Pumps with great results. There is also a O-Ring that seals the Pump to the Engine Block, this is usually encluded with a new Pump, so make sure you get one.

Water Pump2R3V-8501
Water Pump Bolts (4 Req'd)2R3V-8501
Water Pump Pulley2R3V-8A528
Water Pump Pulley Bolts (4 Req'd)2R3V-N806282

AC Compressor

missing missing
Above: The AC Compressors are as much a part of the Cobra engine as anything else. The Drive Pulley is 6mm and there is no reason to re-use a old used Compressor on your new Engine.

The AC Compressor is located on the passengers side down low. It is held in place by three long bolts, and the pulley comes with the Compressor. I like to always use a new AC Compressor, like the Water Pump on a new engine, it just keeps thing on a even scale, and completes the Engine. The 03-04 AC Compressor uses a special manifold adapter, this adapter bolts to the back of the Compressor and allows the AC hoses to attach. These don't come with the new Compressors, so make sure you find one used or new, cause you have to have it. Also, most new compressors NO NOT come with OIL in the Compressor, so make sure you add the correct amount and type befor you use it.

AC Compressor2R3V-19D269
Compressor Bolts (3 Req'd)2R3V-N806184

Front Engine Cover or Timing Cover

missing missing
Above: There is no way around this very, very important part of the Cobra Engine. It is impossible to run the Eaton Supercharger without this piece. Ford still sells them and I vote to just purchase it new and be done with it. The Used ones that do show-up are old and in need of repair, and will end up costing you more then the new one. Also don't forget to get the Bolts and Studs that go with the Front Cover.

While all Modular Front Covers are demensionally the same, it's the lay-out on the front of the cover that is different. The 03-04 Cobra Timming Cover is a uniqe one and is the only Timming Cover that will work with the Supercharged Engine. These Covers are very hard to find used, and bring a pretty penny when they are for sale on web sites like E-Bay. Generally there isn't to much to worry about, but I would stay away from cars that were involved in front end collissions or other simular accidents. I have seen other Aluminum Timming Covers wear in the front seal area, they developed small cracks all around the circumforance of the seal. These Front Engine Covers are still available form Ford, I have bought several and they generally list for around $700.00. When purchased new, the Front Cover comes with a new Belt Tensioner, all three pieces of the Front Cover Gasket and a new Idler Pulley, three items that are never there on a used one, so watch out and don't end up paying to much for a used Front Engine Cover..

There are several bolts and studs that hold the Front Cover in place, but also are made to secure other item that mount in front of the Engine Cover. These are very specific in both length and design, and have to be purchased from Ford.

Engine Front Cover2R3Z-6019-BF
Bolts (8 Req'd)2R3V-N806177
Studs (5 Req'd)2R3V-N806300

Front Cover Bolt Diagram


ItemPart #Description
1N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
2N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
3N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
4N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
5N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
6N806300Stud, Hex Shldr Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 91.1
7N806300Stud, Hex Shldr Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 91.1
8N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
9N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
10N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
11N806177Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
12W706560Stud, Hex Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 65 — M8 x 1.25 x 16
13N806300Stud, Hex Shldr Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 91.1
14N806300Stud, Hex Shldr Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 91.1
15N806300Stud, Hex Shldr Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 91.1

Idler Pulley Support

Above: This is the Idle Pulley Support, It comes like you see it, with the Belt Tensioner, idler Pulleys attached. This is a very hard piece to find, but be very carefull that if you do find one, you don't over pay as many on E-Bay have.

The Idler Pulley Support Assembly is a large and very nesseccary piece for the 03-04 Cobra Engine. It is the only modular Engine that uses this important piece, and that makes them scarce and expensive. But be carefull not to confusse the issue, Ford still sells these pieces, and they often sell for more used then you can purchase a new part with all the additional pieces. This is simply a case where the purchaser does not know his subject or the current prices very well, and gets taken because of it. I always purchase this part new, and in my opinion you would be fullish not to.

Belt Tensioner

Above: Both Drive Sytems, Accessory Drive System and Supercharger Drive System, use the same Belt Tensioner. Purchase the Front Cover and Idler Support Bracket new and you don't need to worry about this Item.

If you used my advise you already have this item, it came with the new Front Engine Cover, but if not you will need a new one. Don't even think about going used with this one, it serves a very important role in keeping the Accessory Belt tight. These are very popular on E-Bay and generally sell for around $50.00. The Engine requires two of them, and they are both the same part number,

Belt Tensioner2R3Z

Idler Pulley

missing missing
Above: If you need any of the three Idler Pulleys the Drive System requires, why not think about buying one or more of these good looking beautys? For only slightly more then the plain Stock Pulley sells for you could add some pizase and better performance to your 03-04 Cobra Engine.

There are three Idler Pulleys on the Accessory Drive System. They are all the same part number and are all made from stamped steel and have one, centrally located bearing, supporting them. I would like to see you use all new Pulleys, but if you have to purchase them, I would go with an aftermarket brand and not the factory Pulley. The Aftermarket has several vendors that sell very nice Aluminum Billet Idler Pulleys. These are supported by Double-Sealed Ball Bearings and are much stronger then factory pieces. They are also available in different diameters and styles, which realy dress-up the front of the Engine. While E-Bay sells the stock Factory Pulleys for $34.00, you could have a much stronger and better looking Pulley for just $10.00 more.

Idler Pulley2R3Z-19A216

Drive Belt

The Accessory Drive System uses one Drive Belt, part number 8620. This Belt is the same as the Supercharger Drive Belt and should be bought new. New Belts are not expensive nor hard to get. I have used both Goodyear and Ford belts with success, and would think that as long as you stay with a known brand name, you would do fine.

Drive Belt2R3Z-8620

Crankshaft Pully

missing missing

The Crankshaft Pulley is the heart of the Accessory Drive System. This one piece supplies the power to turn all the other parts in the Accessory Drive System. This part is often refeered to as the Balancer or Harmonic Balancer, but Ford never calls it that, only the Crankshaft Pulley, so I'll call it that also. This is a very hard part to find used, and the few I have seen went for what a new Pulley would go for or more! I would say to just purchase this part from the Ford dealer, yes it's expensive, but at least you know what you have. You will also need the center bolt and washer, these I would get from a very well respected manufacturer, ARP. They make quality fasteners for some of the industries most discriminating users. I use them in as many places as I can, youu can never have to much of a Quality Product.

Crankshaft Pulley 2R3Z-6312-BAA
Washer 2R3Z-N806165
Bolt 2R3Z-W701512

Accessory Drive Layout

ItemPart #Description
18678Belt idler pulley
28678Belt idler pulley
38678Belt idler pulley
43A733 Power steering pulley
510344Coolant pump pulley
66C254Crankshaft pulley
76B209Belt tensioner
819D784A/C clutch pulley
98620Drive belt
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